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Greg from Chestertown

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Posts posted by Greg from Chestertown

  1. Just listened to Visions>Johanna. Nice! Jeff does a good job with them. That’s a lot of words. I could never, I would desecrate it. I thought I heard talkers during visions. Maybe taller mic stands? Just asking, I am clueless.

  2. The lyrics in Grateful Dead music are positive and motivating. They provide insight to the reality of life on this planet. They are words to live by. Jerry singing can be like a preacher, or better yet, like a wise grandfather talking to a younger person. They subtly keep us on course. The compass always points to Terrapin!  

  3. Saw the giants in Philly NYE a few years back. They got in the way of me being able to see the stage. That’s as bad as it got for me. Agreed, the band can stand alone. They don’t need to accessorize, IMHO. Drummer Rob just made it 20 years? I remember walking up to you and Kevin on the boardwalk in OCNJ after my first show and giving you guys a great big Thank You, my face full of joy. 

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  4. I’m talking about the shows where Jerry was so fucked up from drugs or lack thereof, that he couldn’t play or sing worth a fuck. The half hearted attempts. The forgotten lyrics. That’s something you do not get with DSO. Their professionalism takes that out of the mix. They don’t recreate the flaws. Don’t get me wrong. I also understand that without the drugs, you don’t get Jerry taking our minds to the edge of the universe with a Dark Star that goes on forever, etc.

     I also think that DSO brings people together so that these conversations can happen in real time before, during,(talkers), and after shows, as opposed to blips on the forums. I imagine that Jubilee is the epitome of that scenario. 

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  5. That was my first impression at my first Dark Star Orchestra show. I can still do this! I can still go to shows! You’re right, we got it back. With a sober, professional enthusiasm. They can ‘fix’ all the drugged out shows, rough vocals, and tackle a nineties set list with a vengeance. My favorite facet is that they go back before my time and deliver a seventies show or even earlier. Yea, Praise DSO.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 10 hours ago, PoetryGirl said:

    It is really just Queen Jane- is that suppose to be Joan Baez?

    I think He’ll in a bucket is about Joan Baez, or at least that’s the rumor.

     Speaking of rumors, if you hold the album cover of Mars hotel up to a mirror, the hieroglyphics across the top read, ‘ugly rumors’. Supposedly that’s about a rumor that Jerry was sleeping with Donna.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. Yea, I cannot leave Visions of Johanna. No way. Lot to laugh, a train to cry? Not Jerry’s acoustic version. No way. Wait, are we still keeping Victim? Oh well, that’s why God invented vanilla and chocolate ice cream. To each his own.

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  8. Ok, ok. I’m sorry I said hate. What I meant was that it is one of my least favorite Dead songs. It’s not all bad. Great set list, plus, victim is placed perfectly for going to take a pee. Musta been a great show, everything working out and all. 

  9.  I was at a show in Radio City, leaning on a railing at half time. A girl walks up to the railing with a sack of books and grumbles, ‘ I have a midterm tomorrow.’

     I was at a show in Philly, sitting in the first seat of a row. A girl dances down the steps, we exchange smiles. She leans over and joyfully says, ‘I got fired so that I could come here tonight.’

       My oldest child had a difficult birth, spent the first week of his life in intensive care. A week later, the Dead were in town. I went to the show. It made perfect sense to me. That one came up in the divorce proceedings. 

    Priorities, Priorities, Priorities.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. Thanks for recording, much appreciated. I thoroughly enjoyed myself catching the first night. Had a blast. The band really made two souls shine. I couldn’t understand why Lisa didn’t come out and sing along on I know you rider. I found that odd. The night went by so fast, Shame when you’re having fun. Always fun to hear Saturday night when it’s not Saturday night. They rocked it pretty good. I’m worried about the guy who had the unfortunate incident out front of the venue after the show. I hope he’s ok. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Were you able to metro back out of town after the show? I looked into it, driving to New Carrollton and catching a train into DC but I was worried that the last train out wasn’t late enough. Not into leaving a show early just to catch a train. 

  12. Here comes Sunshine opener. Dark Star had a other one jam in there. Another great night by Dark Star Orchestra, familiar smiling faces, good time all night. I really appreciated the midnight, moonlight. I forgot all about that one. The band seemed to stretch it out a bit. Got caught up in the music, some of the tunes had me flashing back well over thirty years. Totally way lot of fun. 

  13. Yea, I’m glad that the band, the fans, and the venue were collectively able to put some distance between themselves and those past, unattractive memories. 

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