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Everything posted by kevlev

  1. Wish I'd have known they were going to play 69 stuff, I'd have saved my money and passed on it. I like 80s and 90s Dead

    1. Weather Command

      Weather Command

      honestly, the exact reason why you see DSO 2 to 3 shows in succession..it will give you a feel of how good they really are...

    2. Tom Banjo

      Tom Banjo

      I can't say there a right and a wrong here. I appreciate all GD when done right. 90s 80s whatever or however you want to break it. When your show doesn't fall, take this as an opportunity to explore new facets of your favorite band and there repertoire. I wouldnt pass on any night of it. It can all take you there.

    3. MCB


      loosen the tie (or throw it in the firepit) and you'll be just fine, kev

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