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  1. 200 Motels is on cable the last month. Forget politics, it'll mess u up! 1. I'm with the 230 million Americans who don't vote cause they want your vote but not your opinion. Hasn't changed. 2. This is a shot that changes your DNA, which occurs naturally over ten's of thousands of years. 3. LSD doesn't change DNA like the gov sez. 4. Do you eat GMO products, not including corn which was altered 5000 years ago? 5. If you are the type that sez, "there ought to be a law against that", then you are part of the problem. 6. I don't want the shot, I will speak my mind, I travel as I please, and I have/will associate/shake hands/hug/kiss with the many people I love. They can wear a mask if they want, but no lectures. A few of us got a 2 day flu last year, but only my best friend who had to get the shot for work is suffering. 7 They have no idea what it will do in human reproduction. 8. Again, mRNA vaccines were proposed for FDA approval, tested on only 8 million Americans in 42 years, and none were passed. Why do dogs have a Lyme vaccine for ten years and we don't? Where's the HIV vaccine? It ain't easy to make non-Live Virus vaccines. 9. I have Great genes! Average age of death for my Family in 1500 was 95 years while the rest of the population was 32 years. Only Scarlet fever made my Great-Grandparents deaf-mutes, but G-G'Ma (non-Family) made 90 years, G-G'Pa made it 93. Now for the wacky stuff, Trump, Cuomo & Company did the flu and vaccine to cut down the Social Security payments. How's that for what the mask wearers were saying at the deli yesterday. Oh! For those who are wondering, for the first month I wore an APR (air purifying Respirator) with organic/HEPE cartridges on it. Then about April, Faucci said face masks don't protect the wearer. Which I knew because I had 240 people at work that I had to train, equip, do spirometry, and have a MD check them for leaks (you know...The White Gloved Howdy!!!) Only the 95 to 99% masks that are worn as directed with the above medical testing annually can wear one of these. The masks most wear are only to keep Doctors drool out of the surgical field. So I haven't worn one since and I ignore any comments in Shop-Rite.
  2. Right after the American Beauty/Workingman's checks came in and before the Movie. God bless & Good Luck to you Hardpan on the Shot
  3. Vaccine passports? Why not tatoo a government bar code on your forehead? For the life of me I don't understand the Deadheads who would line up for anything from the government. Remember "Question Authority"? Once you give in to the man, you're done. I'm from the era of do what you want as long as it doesn't bother anybody, if it does they can leave. That's what most adults do when confronted with idiots. Most of you would'nt go to a Dead show in the 70's because they ate meat, owned lots of guns, sang songs about the Bible or history. In fact you should all hate the Dead, traveling around in jets that belched black smoke, Garcia driving a Bentley, Weir's favorite pollution factory was a '63 Vette, and nobody was lecturing you how to live or trying to get money for some NGO. I loved those days pure music and fun. Even Madison Ave used joy instead of fear to sell products. Right now my best friend of 55years, is struggling to walk, has tremors, recurring fever of 104F, and his cognitive and speaking skills are rapidly fading after getting the vaccine 2 months ago. Now waiting for insurance to approve DNA profiling while he's circling the drain. Where's the government for him? Just a note on mRNA vaccines, since 1989 Big Pharma has tested and tried to approval for mRNA vaccines using 8 million Americans as test subjects. In 42 years the FDA hasn't approved one of the thousands of different vaccines they tried, yet non-disclosure agreements prevent the survivors of those 8 million Americas from speaking out about dead or injured test subjects. Trump slid this past all responsible advising panels, Faucci gets paid for every vaccine given just cause his name is on all the patents. By the way he holds a lot of patents and that money should go into the government as he is closing on being worth $500,000,000.00. Yeah! I'm gonna jump in line to take something that's experimental (can't sue) and alters your DNA forever. Just like all the future vaccines they'll make mandatory if this works. Fuck that shit, I'm a Free Human and will do what I want with My body. As I say, "You do what you want, you never listen to me anyway no point in starting now. You know how you are Your way or noway, far be it for me to have an opinion around here."
  4. Hope your right Hardpan, I used to wear earplugs to shows to save my hearing and at 60 I really want it loud. Loud enough to feel and rock our bodies, and the radio isn't gonna do it for me. Does the Band or their management have anything to offer to aswage our fears ? At this point is would seem to risky to pay for one night, let alone the two night stand we were planning only to suffer severe disappointment. They've been taking away our Freedom of association, travel and speech over the past 30-40 years in order to destroy our Cognitive Liberty. Keep the government out of our bodies. Vote Casey Hardison for President in 2024
  5. I just heard from a kid that it is going to be broadcast to radio, but won't be amplified. We were stoked to see DSO again, but if you can't feel it in your body what's the point. Please tell me that they will be LOUD or when they are going to play with amps. Figures some states would pull this shit. Toodle-Loo
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