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Everything posted by jj3down

  1. It appears there is plenty of room for both Dead & Co and DSO in this world. Dead & Co are filling amphitheaters and stadiums. DSO draws more people now than at any time since I've been seeing them. Both are attracting new and younger fans and both are appeasing the old ones. More enthusiasts of this music and the lifestyle it inspires will allow it to live on... and that is something it simply must do! America needs the Grateful Dead! I recall reading an article where Jerry described the deadhead community as 'people trying to live with as few rules as possible and trying to just be as fair as they possibly can with each other' Based on that definition, I think the world needs as many deadheads as possible.
  2. What a great show and great venue! Shout out to Ohio for bringing it! The two DSO events in Ohio so far this year have practically been free-for-alls and in the case of Springfield, it was literally FREE for all! Ohioans just don't give a fuck! Deflate the beach ball and get bitch slapped Little Bobby B! Ohio must rank high in Rude's "states with the most serious Deadheads" category Riveredge and Springfield are going to sustain me well until August comes! See y'all in Rochester or Pittsburgh maybe?
  3. Just yanking your crank Rude. You're hell bent on creating a rank and file system for categorizing Deadheads though. I mean, you have implemented a belt system. You should write a book now outlining a point system or the like. I'm really curious what my Dead score would be. See you in Chicago.
  4. Thanks for this valuable info! I got 5 on it!
  5. I'm bringing my chair as well and sitting right by Rude. I've heard a lot of rambling about "locals in chairs" as if there's something wrong with that. When in Cleveland, I'm a local. And if I want to sit in a chair that night then I have every right! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with people who want to bring chairs or have a leisurely concert experience. That makes them no less worthy of the music or the experience. Nor are they in any way less dedicated to the scene or inferior deadheads. Some people are older or have medical conditions that keep them from dancing. I sincerely hope that none of my friends or myself are ever so physically compromised that they do not have a choice. Also, we should go up and thank all those locals who come with chairs! THEY ALLOW THIS BAND TO CONTINUE! You think the band could afford to operate on the ticket sales generated from tour heads and people doing 6-12 shows a year? That's like 5% of the crowd, if that. The band, as well as us, depend on locals coming to keep the bus rolling.
  6. I know and well said. This music is truly capable of tapping into every emotion we have. And for me the emotions that get tapped into often change or expand based on my experience and situation in life.
  7. Well I hope that you realize that poking fun without offending is my true intent.
  8. I think I've heard you say something to this effect at one time or another for nearly all of their tunes MC
  9. Incredible performances all 3 nights. Saturday was off the hook though. This band can just hit the blast off switch at will.
  10. Next Shows: Berkeley - Vegas

  11. where will this comment be displayed?

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