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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Beautiful show last night. As usual, the Band worked with the crowd, in the best way. Themes of our cultural climate osmozing through the music with almost subliminal elegance. Yes. Imagine had the family enthralled and set the proper course out of space. They got me good with the Slipknot! reprise...into Viola. Hahaha...My face hurts a lil from smiling. It was nice chatting up Mr. Barraco after the show. Pleasant chap, he. Safe and Happy trails to the Band and we'll see you in Indy and Columbus. Thank you to DSO and the Family. Keep on. Love. Cheers from Louisville. Peter.
    4 points
  2. Rail dancing all night again. Glad I feel no pressure to try to remember this sweet selection of elective songs in this review section as I did in Bloomington as missing one or wrong order would not do the show justice. The slip reprise into Viola after Visions memorable. I think holy crap says it best.
    1 point
  3. THE Louisville Louie Louie. The last of it's species.
    1 point
  4. Man that 2nd set put a smile on my face that even having to work today hasn’t been able to wipe away. And that’s really saying something. Can’t wait to see what they have planned for us in Indy. Side note: Every year DSO plays Louisville I (falsely) predict a 4/9/89 recreation. The Louie Louie show. But it seems it’s always original or early 70’s or old school 69er. I’m wondering if the stage is too small for the later year’s drum set up. Either way I’ll likely keep predicting that Louie Louie 😂😆😂
    1 point
  5. Personal highlights and other notes: Most of the 1st set, actually. But the Playin was Top Notch 72 style. Yes, have some. Happy Birthday Ellie between sets "That poor bastard dies everytime" - Eaton, after El Paso Don't Ease! and Big River! I counted 28 beats to BIODTL, and sure enough the show was 10/28/72, so my counting skills, like the Playin, are still in top notch shape "Send that one out to Robert Hunter" - Jeff, after Attics Dark Star's notes I jotted down as they happened: good start, lulls, verses, slow purposeful Dino-led space jam, funk jam, space jam, disjointed jam, Eaton leaves, Skip jam, Eaton returns, Skip-lite jam, meltdown/feedback, Sugar Mag. JBGoode and Two Souls were the perfect ending.
    1 point
  6. I finally got around to posting my show from this night. So enjoy it! Here is the link: https://archive.org/details/dso2019-09-28.Neumannkm184.Cook.flac16
    1 point
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