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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. Count me in if I could swoop in for a couple of these by joining such a group
  2. Famous early-late shows at my future alma mater. Saw JGB and Bobby and the Midnites at The Gym which was literally a high school type with pull out bleachers. DSO somehow finds more room in getting better and better....never ending
  3. From my streaming perspective the jam during stranger was the highlight of many highlights.
  4. The 10/31 - 11/2/85 Columbia-Richmond run was one my favs. Left Evansville on a trippy whim at 1AM Halloween with a half pack of cigs and full tank of gas my beat friend and giddy up. Everytime I hear Stella Blue I think of the Heart of Columbia Hotel...Cheap and blue light. Correct version is the mix of Yiddish and English.. “If your bubba had ayah she’d be your zedah.” bubba = grandmother zedah= grandfather ayah = balls
  5. Plane ride home sat next to (middle seat empty) Live Nation guy working events. He said first show had big PA but some city councilman said “had complaints” it was too loud. Hard to imagine considering location.
  6. And I thought I needed Xanax! Just to stoke him and show courage....Some manufacturing has already returned and I believe ILLEGAL immigration is bad. Take a deep breath.
  7. Now that Lockn officially bit the dust for this year, drive in this weekend is even more medicinally needed
  8. Seven states did not issue pandemic stay at home orders. Per latest CDC data, they had an average covid infection rate of 1,551 cases/100K population compared to 1,668 for the other 43 states with stay at home orders. These same 7 states had an average of 13 deaths per 1,000 cases, compared to 31 per 1,000 cases for the other 43 states. If your going to argue large versus rural population differences, forget about it. There was virtually no correlation plotting cases per 100K versus total population (R=0.09). The most open state during this entire mess was South Dakota, and there were only 17 other states with lower case rates per capita, and only 11 states with lower death rates per capita. What story does this data tell you? Is there the slightest possibility that all the lock downs, shut ins, mandates, pain and mental anguish, financial destruction, and suicides could of been muted by simply going on with life? I live in a state that continues to have mandates, shut downs, and travel quarantines, and man is it frustrating. South Dakota should be marketing podcasts and seminars on how to deal with a pandemic. This is how it feels in the end. Cure absolutely worse than disease. Scientific, data based conclusion.
  9. A day late but a gem of a show which I attended! 6/30/84 IUPUI Tennis Courts Indianapolis IN Jack Straw Dire Wolf Minglewood Duprees Far From Me Esau Ramble On Sailor->Saint Deal Shakedown Playin Terrapin D/S Playin Truckin Spoonfull Stella Blue GDTRFB OMSN Day Job Some memories of this show are vivid...like the decorative flowers around hard liquor stands... some not so much lol 36 years...where does the time go
  10. Indiana is 100% capacity at bars again July 4th. I will enter at my own risk which I thought it always was?! The elders fear COVID less than younger as they grew up and survived Polio, Smallpox, TB, etc.. This virus is just tall that’s just about all.
  11. I wonder if you can hear music outside the venue? Then the question would be: Better sound, can see band, can’t dance inside Sound iffy no view of band but can dance outside For me...As long as I’m still walking
  12. So WHO was for asymptotic spread before they were against it before they were before it again. CDC has been on both sides of masks. Give me data and let me decide
  13. Here is WHO position...latest Asymptotic spread is very rare. If it wasn’t so sad I’d laugh. CDC and WHO are to science like used car salesmen are to auto industry. We are on are own.
  14. 100%...you now have enough information in your mind to make the rational decision. Doesnt matter, the government makes the decision...huh? Who, what, where, when, how much? Easy Answers lol
  15. What if I carry a brick and promise to loot the Merch booth?
  16. Geez, like you my good friend I just want to go where the water tastes like wine.
  17. Is anyone without a finger in the air at a show elite? Then I may be elite but I have also provided miracles. Price of grilled cheese just went up.
  18. At least the 50% that will give at least a try.
  19. Purchased Pisgah as you can expect reduced capacities will be necessary especially early on. Holding my Lockn tix...Expect DSO there if it happens.... on the originally scheduled Thursday...would be Oct 1. Social distance plan for both is doing VIP lol
  20. The “diversity” of the fans would fit.
  21. Amen demographic brother...I’m still walking
  22. First time 75 at MSG. Then the 80’s...90’s...00’s...10’s... 2020 Louisville. Only other potential for me to see shows in 6 different decades is Dylan.
  23. DSO in Evansville. Yes..venue change from Egyptian room in Indy. Surreal in many ways..like clouds a streaming
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