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Sunny for DSO Forums Marshal !

Dirty Harry

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I know a little something about the law.


And I know it when a rogue badman pins a badge on his chickenshit chest and proclaims himself "Sheriff".


Sheriffs are elected by their local Counties. Sometimes they are kicked out of town. I hear that happened over at the Philzone recently, and they have some pretty wild characters in those parts. Very few rules to guide.


Marshals are Feds. They trump Sheriffs. They are appointed by the Big Man. They can deputize and appoint Posses to hunt down Pussys and Bitchezzzzzzz. They play for keeps.


Sunny has my vote of confidence. His devotion to the core values, love of the Forums, spirit of fairness and good heart are what we all need as DSO Forum Marshal.


Rogue posers are sometimes met with extreme prejudice.


Justice isn't always pretty.


Harry Callahan, SFPD 



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Thank you so much Mr. Dirty Harry for that nomination and vote of confidence!!!  It brought and is still bringing a very big smile, and a wonderful chuckle!!!    Power and control is not my thing though.  Like most things, I am sure I would over indulge!!!!


I am more the Ottis type:}!!!!   I did grow up watching old spaghetti westerns though, and was more often impressed with the anti -hero.......of course....Eastwood filled that impression with great skill!!!!!!


I think TR did a great job!!!   Just reading the post, and that too had me laughing.   Beware what you ask for!!!!


Warm wishes to you guys and gals...Hoping you have had time to stop and enjoy the changing seasons.  Colors of fall brings smiles to us all!!!


Hope to spin with some of yall soon!!!!

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