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Everything posted by LangeradoSoul

  1. I had a great weekend and Saturday night show was great. For the Saturday show, I arrived back from graduation ceremonies in KY 10 minutes before DSO came on- perfect timing. I also pulled off another DSO event doing what I do best: hiding anonymously among a crowd avoiding anyone I might possibly ever know dancing to my hearts content. This was a much needed pick me up for a really weird dry spell and year.
  2. Great show! Loved it! Cold cold wind and rain! Successfully woke up at 4:30 am and am now at graduation 4 hours away for my high schooler to the delight of my wife. see you tonight!
  3. Rude, thank you for your forecasting. If this is accurate, I will nominate you as the Official DSO forecaster going forward. have a safe trip folks
  4. I’m really only coming to see DSO, but I’d love the backstory on the lack of schedule being officially posted
  5. Camper gates at 2. Let’s hope the rain doesn’t make Friday suck
  6. FYI I have a pod and if anyone needs a pod to join, just let me know. Just let me dance and we should work out just fine. I do have to leave Saturday but should be back before DSO so be forewarned
  7. I think I should have waited for cheap tickets on CoT 😎
  8. I wish I would have acted faster on the Billy Strings legend valley tickets.
  9. I don’t have any details, but tickets are still available for both days, and you can buy single days still also- you can see the pods left unsold on the ticket page. schedule probably come out tomorrow or the weekend I assume, and I’m assuming Dark Star plays 8:30-12:30 both nights. im ready for some music,sunshine, and dancing, not gonna lie
  10. Sorry I missed you-its the first sunday I've missed since the comeback. I got my first cold in a year, and it laid me low
  11. My wife and I said the same thing. She had a trip to Texas planned for the same week and I was hitting the Jubilee and we found out not too many weeks ago. Why would anyone want to steal a holiday weekend for something like graduation? Our son is awesome-we couldn't be more proud, but....weekend before makes much more sense
  12. Dead Duck, if you are camping at Legend Valley for the shows, the staff told me that when we arrive, to not park at the campsite, or we won't be able to leave on Saturday. So, park in the parking lot, trek to the campsite, and then you'll be able to leave Saturday morning.
  13. About two weeks ago my oldest child's High School belatedly announced graduation details for the Jubilation weekend I already purchased tickets for. Due to covid limitations, we can't have family come from out of town, so I'm going to do what any sensible person would do: both! Arrive Friday, enjoy the show, then I'll leave at 5:00 am on Saturday morning, attend graduation in KY, and then get back before DSO plays again Saturday night. I've been needing some middle aged excitement so I'm looking forward to it
  14. The forums are...interesting...these days.
  15. Im thinking the folks complaining about dancing while masked didn’t read the jubilation info. There’s no mask requirement within the pod people purchase, just to and from. but...FB doesn’t always represent the our best and brightest
  16. Recently got first dose of vaccine and also picked up ticket (row N) for the Jubilation. Looking forward to live music again. Unfortunately, camping was sold out, so I'll be on the hunt for one of those if some decides to sell their camping spot. Looking forward to sunshine & music...
  17. It sucks that tour and many other events are cancelled for the next few weeks. It also sucks that my work trip to St. Pete got cancelled. I want all of us to be healthy, and I also want and hope that the weather warms up and perhaps it helps mitigate the virus and maybe by then, the Jubilee will be a chance for all of us to get back outside and together to celebrate life together. Stay healthy, friends
  18. Yes I've been checking every 5 minutes to see if the setlist was available.
  19. I can't wait to catch a "believe it or not"
  20. I forgot about that one. I was there! They wouldn’t let us out of the venue at set break- but awesome show, and awesome jam out of Terrapin
  21. I last saw Desolation Row by DSO in February 2012
  22. After Further Fest Others Ones tour in 1998, we left Shoreline and ended up driving north. After cruising through the mountains on I-5, our car broke down and we pulled into Ashland, Oregon. We parked on Water street, and slept there until we got the car fixed and made our way up to Mt. Ashland. I loved that town. I went back in subsequent years for stints here and there. At one point in early september of 1998, there were like 40-60 "backpackers" and tour kids sleezing around town at the same time. Sounds like a fun show...
  23. Saw Billy Strings in Lexington last night. Sold out the Manchester Music Hall. Last time in Lexington he was in a small club. This time decent sized hall. Awesome show. Wish I could have gone on to Louisville tonight!
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