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Tom Banjo

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Everything posted by Tom Banjo

  1. If you making the trip out for these, please do get in touch we would like to show off are home and provide travelers we know with a place to shower and sleep if necessary. We are an hour from the venue.
  2. Life is political. You're political. I'm political. I can tune out any opinion I want. Doesn't bother me one way or another if you or DSO or whomever expresses their views. I take what I need and leave the rest. The vaccine greatly reduces the odds of being hospitalized. It doesn't do everything that was promised. Take it don't take it that's a personal choice. You make yours. I'll make mine.
  3. Wedding still only takes 1 day. Can fly to and from Puerto Rico same day. If you in wedding party I guess I understand but you could still make one of these and skip a day or two of the dog and pony show.
  4. Found weddings don't take two days. I better see you at one of these shows. I miss you
  5. I think for later day heads like myself or whatever you want to call the star head generation it was archive.org that changed everything like the cassette tapes did for you guys. I had some dick picks and some other live CDs and albums on CD but then someone told me about archive and I was like wow I can listen to pretty much every show they ever played for free. I've since moved on the Relisten app but wow that was a game changer.
  6. DSO can't schedule a 13 date indoor tour right now. They wouldn't if they could in my estimation but the promoters and venues won't sign off on it. A DSO tour when and where it happens is up to more than those that deliver us the goods.
  7. Covid is on the rise again. I don’t think we going to get more shows again until the Spring but I don’t know anything. Maybe we get something. Just don’t think we will.
  8. We are doubtful. Between it being a difficult ticket and the travel expenses. Plus having two kids. It’s just not in the cards. I even think we gonna have to sit Cincinnati out. I’m hopeful we get more DSO before Jamaica but if that’s the case Jamaica will be all that much sweeter. We get that Halloween run here in Colorado too. Not DSO but certainly quality Dead music.
  9. I’m tempted to pull the trigger on the Q.
  10. Rude funny. Delilah learned to dance from me spinning her to sleep listening to shows within weeks of birth. Those nights where I’d go upstairs with bottle cause momma was too tired to breastfeed and desperately needed the crying baby out of the room. But yes Delilah gets down. She’s boogies hard. momma wants everyone to know she dances with the babe too. Shes getting it from both of us.
  11. We decided to extend the Utah “trip” a few days. Currently headed to Zion National park. Evening hike tonight for sunset and all day hiking and exploring tomorrow.
  12. My cup has runneth over. Thank you so much DSO. Bittersweet with bee crew introductions as we say goodbye to Ellie Nicky and Kenny. It’s truly is the ending of one remarkable chapter of DSO. But look forward to the push forward with the new faces. But really gonna miss those leaving. I remember when I was a shy kid just finding myself at DSO after like show 40 and having done maybe 25 of the last 30 DSO shows I worked up the courage to yell at Nicky as he was setting up the stage. Hey my name is Rick. Some how he already knew. His response was you’ve been riding the rail at the last 15 shows. I know who you are. Some 500/600 shows later. He’s leaving. He’s been at just about it not every single stop on that DSO journey for me.
  13. It was elective. I can probably recreated most of the list off memory but must mention first DSO take a little piece of my heart. Lisa crushed it. Once again proving Lisa is the secret weapon.
  14. I brought up your offer. She prayed I was kidding but I think she was slightly complimented not offended. She was looking for real nice last night. But like I said, it’s a strong no. Like 24/7/365 kind of no. Seriously, Scotty would’ve had a better shot. He was singing and playing last night. I discussed your feelings on that with him too. Shocked he came home alone last night. I feel like we have a more subdued sunny here on the forums. Maybe you have settled down some. Look we’re keeping it totally PG and speaking in innuendos. This isn’t the blunt in your face I don’t care if I offend you sunny of old. Don’t get me wrong I’ve heard you may or may not have experienced some more than PG materially in Asheville but hey that’s to be expected, sometimes the freaks come out at night.
  15. 2nd set scotty was smoking. We probably gonna pass tonight. Whitney wants to go hiking before we head home. Can’t stay out too late again.
  16. I was still up sunny or at least close to. Slept like 7 til 10. Then damn kiddos woke me up. I could’ve texted you but you destroyed your phone and I was executing the plan we discussed.
  17. I’m gonna miss you Nicky.
  18. We set sail tonight. Should be fun guys.
  19. Tom Banjo

    Asheville #2

    So good to be with you guys. Love you mango.
  20. Well. I’m still up taking in the wonderful afterglow of the show. So I figure I will give this review thing a try. I’m not sure I can do hardpan justice but I’ll do the best I can. Our flight got us here with just enough time to make it to the show on time. 6 PM show on East Coast is rough to make when you flying out from Colorado. I think we doing great. Rental car out on time then I put on the GPS and damn 2 accidents leaving Atlanta. GPS now says 640 arrival time. Mind goes here we go again. People here know I have some history being late to the show. However I drive with some purpose and park at 612. They start playing as I get in the line to get in. I start swaying and impatiently dancing as the line proceeds to take two songs get inside. I’m going to give you a little TMI here cause i know you looking to feel like you were right there at the show. But I got to go number 2. From the plane ride and the car my legs shaking while sitting on the John. Jack straw is playing as I emerge from bathroom. I grab a drink with my lady and hit the show. The first set is was a disjointed experience for me. First of all, I’m late albeit a heard every song. Asheville is like a family reunion here. I knew at least 25 people. 10 to 12 very close friends. So I mostly spend the first set saying hello. Making eye contact. Waves and hugs. I do take a moment during liberty to let the catharsis set in. I needed this show. I just violated my probation and spent 40 days in custody. 20 days in Park County. Two days on a transport van. And another 18 in Lafayette county. Lafayette county is no joke. Place is a federal hold. My ass isn’t cut out for that shit. I am so joyous to have my liberty back but struggle to dance. This place is cool and we should be so thankful to have any place to go dance but damn those rocks hurt and make for some treacherous movement. I am unfortunately getting a drink during so many roads so I mostly miss out on what that experience could’ve been. The stones tribute was cool but I’m here for Dead music. I had however just told whitney of the passing on the ride down. Honkytonk provided a good singalong and then set ended. The second set is were a truly achieved lift off. I was on fire from sugar magnolia on. Rocks no rocks I dance it on all. I moving and grooving with my people celebrating life. Just so happy to be here with all of you. I love the Easy Wind always love that one with the sand which and everything. Terrapin has me pumping my hands in the air and just mouthing words in what was really a shout in my head. I’m getting to Terrapin at least for the night. I sure as hell know I’ve crawled my way here. Clawed my way too. It sure has been a long hard climb. Skip sang that one for us here at the house after the show. However the real moment of the night for me was the Visions. Jeff sounded fantastic here. Both instrumentally and vocally. He transported me back to Park County where I spent a few nights crying out loud all alone for Delilah and Whitney. But it was all to concise and too clear. That they were not here. I cried. And rejoice at having them back. And cried some more. I let the rollercoaster of emotion ride over me. Twist and turn me do a few inverted loops and then roll back down over me backwards. After moments like these I often keep dancing but the show is essentially over for me. I got what I came for. So I spin out the rest of the show basking in the glow of the climax. And what a climax. Some have said this is better than sex. Sometimes I have to agree. What a release. What a show. What a great time to be with you guys again transported to that never land created by the Grateful Dead by DSO. Thank you so much band and crew. I needed this. Just keep sending the bus. I will be waiting at that stop as often as I can. I may even still take the wheel from time to time. Ready for round 2. Love is Real
  21. If you want to know what was played come to the show
  22. Sounds like a decent size parking lot. Can leave car overnight. No car camping though.
  23. No. Mask required if not fully vaccinated. I don’t know how much they intend to enforce the policy but that is their policy.
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