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Tom Banjo

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Everything posted by Tom Banjo

  1. They got good beef in Wyoming
  2. That looks pretty tasty. Miss all of you and love each and every one of you. So many memories. So much learning. I know I do like every weekend but I had to miss these. Excited for Jackson hole. Hope to see some of you there. We can bring that old school community feel back. Brian isn't the only one that misses it but it's not gone. It still exist in a big way. It's in each and every one of us. We can choose to express it and live in it. I've always felt privileged and honored to be apart of what is a subset of the GD scene known as the dark star family. It's truly a community. love is real
  3. There was a good group of like minded individuals at the jubilee this year. Black Mountain was definitely a special time. I miss the ledges the most. But good things come and good things go. Always more memories to make and more good times to come. Peak still has some of that old school like minded vibe.
  4. I loved the song selection night 3 but every night had their moments. I especially loved the energy from the people I know night 1. Night 2 the energy dipped a little bit. I think night 3 was closer to night 1 but night 1 still had more of that jubilant energy. That's contagious make you want to shake your bones spirit. Needless to say these are just my perceptions and maybe my projections. Maybe my energy was lower. But you could feel people shedding some of that negative energy that builds up in every day life. The stress. The sadness. And embracing the joys of being alive and being loved. Night 1 definitely brought that magic for me. So many smiling faces twirling around.
  5. At set break they loaded him up with uppers to get through the show. 2nd set much stronger than the first set.
  6. I swear there was something after the playin reprise but I can't remember for the life of me. We had Koritz and Cotter both stop by to jam last night and there was so much more music played. it was really nice to have a babysitter I can count on. He took girls back to hotel so Whitney and I could stay over night. We often have to miss these post show gatherings of love light and joy.
  7. So I need to mention that oh darling is played out. That seems to be in the overplayed if we just did it once in awhile songs it would be better. Should mean something to catch an oh darling.
  8. Watch tower To lay me down Eyes of the world Playing reprise oh darling werewolves of london I still think I'm missing something but there is more of it.
  9. Saw lots of forum folks at this show. They must've raged all night could usually someone would post.
  10. I think I heard them say the show was Carbondale 79. But man my head must be a confused because I think the set list was a little off. But I think just a little off I can't remember the end of the first set for the life of me. Don't Ease Me In Mama Tried Mexicali Blues Jack-a-Roe Looks Like Rain They Love Each Other New Minglewood Blues Stagger Lee Cassidy Peggy-O Music Never Stopped Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain Dancin' in the Streets drums Black Peter I Need a Miracle Bertha Good Lovin' U.S. Blues love the one your with great show but seriously guys love the one your with. It's a little played out at this point. fantastic time. So many good friends and good people. Love this event. It's like coming home. Thanksgiving Christmas. When the whole family gets together for better or worse and almost always for the better. We did have a funny one though. So our baby sitter got into an argument with a drunk lady cursing in front of the kids. Making the kids feel uncomfortable. He told me about it when we got back to the home base. I thought nothing of it really. At the end of the show the lady comes back and proceeds to tell Frank that she doesn't have to go anywhere. She's entitled to this space. If he wants her to leave go get security. To the point where we did have to get some staff involved. The whole situation was comical to me really. It's like she was looking for a fight looking to be combative. When I go see DSO I like to have a good time. I could care less whether I was entitled to this space. If the space was full of drama I just wouldn't enter it. No idea what made her feel like she had to come back and stand her ground. Don't get me wrong. I've had my fair share of public blowouts with loved ones and friends. But never in my life did I go out of my way to try to start a fight with some stranger that doesn't mean diddly squat to me in the longrun. we'll vent over. So much fun dancing to this one.
  11. Well it wasn't my favorite to come to the Cap and not see you night 1. Love you buddy East coast road dog
  12. I was able to narrow this one down to the month by the end of the show.
  13. It does look like it's gonna be warm. That could come as a bit of a shock to my families system given we live at 9000 feet. But I agree it sure beats the cold rain.
  14. Def 2 nights of DSO. I believe 2 nights of all 3 bands. Amazing camping there and all sorts of outdoor activities you can get yourself into if you want.
  15. Watkins glen is two nights and we gonna ride through bears picnic at least. It’s not 4k for a one off and will involve some serious driving and serious patience. Even at 4 12 hour drive days can be rough. We will probably drive cross country and pick up Toph from her dads on way. She will be with him for summer but public school will start up soon. Summer break is shorter this year. They going to a 4 day school week next year. It’s public school. They will probably do Watkins with us. That part of country They will stay with Whitney’s family for some of the other shows and my family for some. We will definitely do some time at my parents shore house. With them both gone, we will sell house soon. My kids love ocean city. The beach. Delilah loves the fresh cut fries from Curly’s. We will have to take the temperature of the room to see whether they come to Bears picnic. How crazy they’ve Driven our Andy"r much fun they’ve We don’t make every weekend. We miss first weekend of Spring Tour.
  16. The whining gets old pretty fast. Rude you say your destination weekends for 5 years. What's wrong with bears picnic or the 50 year anniversary celebration of watkins glen. Did you look at the site for the watkins glen tribute. Definitely qualifies as a destination weekend. Bears picnic has been going on for a long time. Lots of pa family will be there. They up their game by getting DSO to headline. Another destination weekend. Don't get me started on Jackson hole. And Asheville ain't so bad either. Lots of solid weekend stuff going on. Catching shows has always involved some effort. I can't figure out why they don't do 10 shows a year in bailey Colorado. Another 10 in conifer. And maybe like 5 in Denver. Then I'd never have to put in effort to catch them. Late July and august a good distance off. Plenty of time to plan. I'm gonna shoot for Lafayette ny through Indianapolis should be a fun time. If you want it to be easy move to NYC but even then with the traffic it's still gonna be a bitch.
  17. Tea do you really think I misunderstand you or that I'm poking fun and explaining the reality?
  18. Oh btw when they were on, Furthur smokes dead and co
  19. Tea come to the Cap or go see DSO anywhere and within 3 songs you will realize how mediocre Dead and co were at their best last night. I saw a great Furthur show at red rocks. They spelled steal your face. Then saw DSO in Jackson hole. Dark star played a 40 minute other one. I quickly realized that the Furthur show was just good. This was the goods.
  20. I took over making the schedule at work so if it's a short trip I won't even bother requesting off just give myself those days off. Fill the gaps with people hungry for hours.
  21. Even when I think John Mayer sounds good he never measures up to JK Jeff Mattson Stu Allen Dave Abear Zach Nugent or countless others that play GD or Jerry Garcia inspired music. But the worst is the faces he makes on stage. I can't look with out falling over laughing.
  22. Tea, you exposing your rookie ear. Leave the evaluations of the music played to those that know the music. I didn't listen.
  23. I've talked with band members about booking them. I will most likely have DSO play my wedding when it happens. Whitney reminds me she ain't got no ring. I'm not sure if they also take a percentage of ticket sales or possibly booze sales but I know that there is a flat rate required for them to show up. Gone are the days they play for free booze. I know many local bar bands they play for like 500 split 4/5 ways and free booze. Because of the flat rate, when DSO plays small venues the ticket price often really high. Aspen tickets were super expensive.
  24. My boss knows I'll work 45 to 50 hours a week when here but I take 5 to 7 days off a month.
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