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jam in the sand-4

old & in the way

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I wish I could review the shows for you ! Alas, I will 99.99% never go to JITS for 2 big reasons...... It seems the perfect respite and vacation to the music lover I am.

What obnoxiousness and disrespect can have in common is respect or a lack thereof. By simple definition, respect is missing in disrespectful action. Obnoxiousness has a much broader pallet. Chris Rock and Don Trump are obnoxious but Chris Rock is obnoxious many times without being disrespectful. He expressed humor and wisdom and integrity and individualism in his obnoxiousness too.

To me the person yelling out lyrics in spite of the musician is disrespectful AND annoying coming from an ego centered place. Someone being heartfelt in the moment probably has larger energies around respect and good manners than that behavior. No one is devoid of heart qualities. Some just have bigger energies around some than others and after all that is why you walk with and love and forgive your brothers and sisters. We all are on a growth path.

PS can't wait to shake these bones soon !

Chris Rock is likely more disrespectful than Donald. I despise Donald. Don't get me wrong. But Chris Rock calls many white people crackers. It doesn't bother me but it is technically disrespectful. I mean his comedy was built on an angry black man persona. Well maybe it was based on poolie from new jack city. He was disrespectful for stealing their crack. Check out his character in jay and silent bob strike back. That's sort of how I see the unleashed Chris Rock.

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Context matters when being disrepectful. Comedy often pushes the lines and even crosses the lines of what we find acceptable. We even often laugh at things that if said in serious conversation would offend us. A comedian in my opinion would have more leeway than a politician when it comes to whether they hit the disrespect thresold for me. I'm sure we all draw the line differently.

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The government is broken.  The solution is elect no one.  Have are own Continental Congresses.  List are redresses and denounce the current government.  Ask for freedom back with the promise that we will fight for it.  


I can not agree with you that Trump is the solution.  He will only further break the system.  He doesn't get it at all.  He is not a champion of personal rights and freedom.  


Hilary isn't the solution either.


I think Wavy started a movement once.  We could use it again.  I would write in Mickey Mouse or No one for president before I vote for those two.

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so you all will vote to put Hillary Clinton in the White House ?? .. now that is a joke ..


Did somebody say "Hillary joke"??  :lol:


Tyrone was always  having trouble in school; and his teacher was always yelling at him. "You're driving  me crazy, Tyrone ! Can't you learn anything ?" 


One day Tyrone's mother came to  school to see how he was doing. The

teacher told her frankly that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low

marks, and that she had never had  such an unmotivated and ignorant boy in her

entire teaching  career.

Tyrone’s mom, shocked at the feedback, withdrew her son from school and

moved out of Detroit,  relocating to Cleveland.


25 years later, the teacher was  diagnosed with irreversible cardiac

disease. Her doctors all strongly advised that she have an open heart procedure which

only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the  teacher decided to have the operation, which was remarkably successful.


When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw the handsome young

doctor who headed her surgical team smiling down at her.


She wanted to thank him, but could not talk.


Her face started to turn blue; she raised her hand, trying to tell him

something, but quickly arrested. A prolonged resuscitation attempt was unsuccessful.


The doctor was shocked, wondering what had deteriorated so rapidly.


When he turned around to leave the room, he saw that Tyrone, now a

janitor at the Clinic, had unplugged  the life-support equipment in order to

plug in his vacuum  cleaner.


If you thought that Tyrone had become a heart surgeon, there is a high

likelihood that you will vote for Hillary.

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so you all will vote to put Hillary Clinton in the White House ?? .. now that is a joke ..

Did somebody say "Hillary joke"?? :lol:

Tyrone was always having trouble in school; and his teacher was always yelling at him. "You're driving me crazy, Tyrone ! Can't you learn anything ?"

One day Tyrone's mother came to school to see how he was doing. The

teacher told her frankly that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low

marks, and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant boy in her

entire teaching career.

Tyrone’s mom, shocked at the feedback, withdrew her son from school and

moved out of Detroit, relocating to Cleveland.

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with irreversible cardiac

disease. Her doctors all strongly advised that she have an open heart procedure which

only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was remarkably successful.

When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw the handsome young

doctor who headed her surgical team smiling down at her.

She wanted to thank him, but could not talk.

Her face started to turn blue; she raised her hand, trying to tell him

something, but quickly arrested. A prolonged resuscitation attempt was unsuccessful.

The doctor was shocked, wondering what had deteriorated so rapidly.

When he turned around to leave the room, he saw that Tyrone, now a

janitor at the Clinic, had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to

plug in his vacuum cleaner.

If you thought that Tyrone had become a heart surgeon, there is a high

likelihood that you will vote for Hillary.

Donald trump wouldn't have thought Tyrone was the doctor. He would have said blacks are all murderers and quoted a white supremacist group when he tweeted that 81% of murdered while people are killed by blacks.

And I'm sorry Matt that you actually believe that Donald trump has any policies that would help this country. A tax cut on the wealthy isn't going to do it. He did propose a tariff on Chinese goods which is admirable but he's smoking crack if he believes that is possible.

The funny thing is again the GOP is offering no solutions. The scream about things they hate. They say I won't take your gun. I'll make sure Christians won't have their churches destroyed. I'll make sure you can discriminate against gays. Nothing here fixes anything that's wrong with the country. And then they promise only more debt fueled by lies that Obama destroyed the military. Obama has zero control over military spending and it was actually the republican congress that made the budget that cut a few percent from the military. Oh yeah. They do have 1 piece of policy. Destroy Obamacare!!! Reduce insurance rolls by 20 million. Allow insurance companies to stop insuring you once you get sick. Deny you fit pre-existing condition regardless if it's true. I did medical collections for 4 years after college. You wouldn't believe how many people had heart attacks and were denied stating that they had an undiagnosed condition since birth hence pre-existing. The GOP is living on fake fear. The fake fear of Isis killing your kids. The fake fear of sharia law in the US. Per capita American Muslims kill fewer people than any other race in the US, but let's remove their freedom of religion. I think religion period is nonsense, but the GOP runs as the party that will impose Christian law on the country and that's what the rural nuts want.

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If we are honest only Bernie has actual policy plans. Yes they are insanely expensive but the long term implications are solid. I know right wing radio demonizes higher education as a liberal breeding ground and makes parents afraid their kids may become atheists. How dare colleges allow people of different religions express their opinions. But then again a college professor was the 1st person that made me question religion as he called the Old Testament mythology in a religion class of all places. Mythology is a story used to explain the unexplainable and that's pretty much the definition of the book of Genesis. So maybe they have a point. You know since we atheists don't believe in the bible it means that we don't know that murder and stealing is bad so watch your backs and your wallets around us!!!

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One problem is that the big companies don't pay business tax.

In SC Boeing and BMW don't pay tax. The small business people are. Remember that when you drive south that the locale of the 3rd largest port in colonial America where in 1820 per capita income ....for every person living in the state.... was $80,000 in 2001 dollars. Remember that as you hit a stupid pothole that the railroad was turning away from Charleston in 1940 until the Ports Authority was created.

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One problem is that the big companies don't pay business tax.

In SC Boeing and BMW don't pay tax. The small business people are. Remember that when you drive south that the locale of the 3rd largest port in colonial America where in 1820 per capita income ....for every person living in the state.... was $80,000 in 2001 dollars. Remember that as you hit a stupid pothole that the railroad was turning away from Charleston in 1940 until the Ports Authority was created.

Boeing is a disgusting company. Washington state gave them tax break totalling 8.7 billion over 20 years and as soon as the ink dried they shipped thousands of jobs out of state. Boeing won't do business where they have to pay any taxes. The government gives them hundreds of billions in overpaid contracts and they still need to extort more.

If they weren't required by DoD regulations to make the products the sell the gov in the US, there's no way that they wouldn't have already outsourced 100k jobs overseas. These mega corporations are the ones destroying the country. Their 1 goal is to make as much for their billionaire shareholders at any and I mean any expense. Greed of individual states like South Carolina is why Washington lost those jobs even after a deal was inked. If every state would work together instead of making sweetheart deals to steal jobs from other states, companies like Boeing couldn't continually extort money like they do.

And how the hell did this discussion for jam in the sand get to this point.

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I think SC needed jobs since all our textile jobs are gone oversees. In the 1920s pellagra was rampant. Remember our state was burned to the ground. We replaced cotton and rice with textiles.

There isn't money here hardly. Just drive our roads. You can hit the SC line and know it by feel of the road.

I said Trump is obnoxious.

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I'm not ragging you. I'm just saying that stealing jobs from others by giving them a free ride isn't cool and shipping jobs overseas by companies when they still were making billions is plain disgusting. The fact that a Microsoft making insane money will fire thousands of workers to make the elite investors more and more.

I saw a Fox segment where some Bernie supporter was blaming the billionaire class for something. The fox dude said isn't that the American Dream? The American Dream is not making 10 billion and to make that 11th billion you fire 10k people. The American Dream is home ownership and financial security. That's what people have lost sight of. It's time to penalize the fuck out of companies that ship jobs overseas. It's time to initiate a living wage. Raising the minimum wage to 10.00 will stimulate the economy immensely. Walmart could pay everyone there 15.00 an hour and still be hugely prosperous and they will generate additional business to offset the increase somewhat. But no. The American Dream is the corporate dream; to have immense companies institute pure capitalism to make obscene amounts at any cost and to have our government enact policies to protect all of their dealings leaving them unchecked to pillage as poverty rises and the poor and middle class linger. When 62 people in the world are worth more than the bottom 50% of the world combined there is a problem.

The tea party has a point on the problems but unfortunately they are too dumb to understand the solutions. The solution to help the middle class is not lower taxes on the rich and more deregulation and more bibles.its hillarious thar these people support candidates who's sole goal is to transfer their taxes back to the elite who are the ones keeping their wages low and sending away their jobs. All you have to do to control them is bash gays, bash politicians and say more guns. No wonder they demonize education. If these people were educated they may not believe the nonsense of why they are losing their jobs. Illegals lmao. Yeah if you are watermelon picker or work in a slaughterhouse they may.

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Blah blah blah may not be too far from what we need. If you caught up in the we need jobs crap, you feeding the paradigm that enriches the wealthy and enslaves the poor. Nowhere in Maslow hierarchy of needs does it say job. Food and shelter what we need. We been fooled to think that a job is the only way to achieve this. Really don't matter who wins. It's on us to make them obsolete. We don't need the government to survive. Our existence continues whether the government there or not.

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Here's a roadmap to get huge support in the south.

Good tea party talking points.

1. If you don't resist arrest you won't get shot. Toss in the word thug a few times.

2. If I'm president you won't have go against your religious beliefs to serve homos

3. If I'm president I'll get rid of all job killing regulations.

4. If I'm president I'll bomb the hell out of the Middle East and let God sort it out.

5. If I'm president I'll secure the border and stop all illegal drugs coming in that are killing your kids(Cruz actually said this lol)

6. When did it become a crime to be a white man. Blacks and illegals have more rights and freedoms than white people. Ignore the liberal medias stats that white households have 17x the net worth of black ones. Whites have it worse

7. I'll stop the war on Christianity. Liberals want Christianity to be illegal but Muslims get special treatment.

8. I'll end all baby murder and people who profit from harvesting their organs for sale!!!

9. Minimum wage is the reason you are poor. We need to repeal it so that more companies can form in areas where people need jobs.

10. Illegals are stealing all the good jobs.

11. Isis is the greatest threat to the US in its history.

12. Muslims in America all want to impose sharia law on us. They want the rape of young girls to be legal!!

13. If Islam is so peaceful then why does the Koran say kill infidels. The bible says love your neighbor while the Koran says kill them all.

14. Guns!!!

15. Guns!!!

16. Guns!!!

17. Obama is a Muslim.

18. Obama is in the Muslim brotherhood.

19. Obama is a socialist.

20. Obama went to a radical church. Yes he's a Muslim but his Christian preacher wants death to America too.

21. Blacks can loot freely in Baltimore but peaceful patriots in Oregon get shot.

22. Cops can do no wrong except in Oregon.

23. Guns!!!!

24. Real America is rural America. New York values eww.

25. If I'm president I'll require everyone to say merry Christmas except the Jews. We love Israel!!!!

26. Liberal want to destroy Israel.

27. Even though Jews will burn in hell, they hate the Muslims more than we do so they are all right in my book

28. Oil!! Pipelines!!! Jobs!!!!

29. Obama destroyed all the jobs in America. Since he took office we have lost most of the jobs.

30. I love black people don't get me wrong. Black people love me. But the fact is if you removed all black people, there would only be a couple murders a day in the US. Black people commit 95% of the rapes on young white women and are responsible for most of the drug sales and murders in the US. It's time white america dealt with this.

31. Taxes are too high!!!

32. Obama destroyed our military. He wants America weak.

33. Homeschool your kids. Public schools teach your kids to be queer and that God doesn't exist. To fix this we will give everyone who's kids go to private school a 10k voucher.

This is a tiny bit sarcastic, but pretty much on point of what's been said. If I posted this 10 years ago and said this is the future of the Republican Party I would have thought I was crazy. The tea party now seems like a wing of the Arian Nation. There is no logic, only hate. But they are directing their hate at the wrong people. The poor aren't making them poor. The rich are. They are just too dumb to get that. If I was worth 20 mil I'd be greedy and vote republican, but the tea party are mostly working joes who are uneducated. Trump has all the high school or less education people. Rubio has more college educated republican vote than any candidate. That tells you all you need to know and that's why the tea party demonizes education.

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I support some tea party measures. Of course, I read literature and ideas from the literate elites. Not the sheeple. Thus,they are much more articulate and reasonable then what you just posted.

I can't believe people still believe the democrate or republicans represent anything or fight for anything. They sample ideas on the masses with the hope at the next golf outing they can say I told ya so. If it don't work, it had no impact on them. They will keep living off your hard earned tax dollars and their investment portfolio.

Vote trump vote hilary. The current social experiment may change but the general course of history will be the same.

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I like some of the ideas of the tea patrt. The problem is they blame the people who aren't the cause of the problem. Trumps appeal is to the lowest common denominator. He's appealing directly to the depths of the human condition: hate. Hate people who are different. Blame brown and blank people for the ills of the country. Blame gays. The elite class is laughing all the way to the bank as blame is deflected onto others.

You can't say middle class jobs are leaving then believe that illegal immigrants are why. That's what I'm referring to. You can't just throw out things like blacks commit crimes at a higher rate and not have a solution to help inner cities of its just inciting racial hatred. Say inner cities are war zones and I have a plan to help these communities. trump is a blatant racist. He's not offering solutions. He's just creating hate. Once you start re-tweeting skinhead tweets about black people to try to show black people commit all crime, you are a racist. It was a made up star by skinheads as well that said 82% of all whites murdered are murdered by blacks. It's actually 1 in 6 white people are murdered by blacks. Then he says I can't fact check every stat. Umm by why tweet that. You tweet that b/c you are racist and want to make sure the rednecks understand there is a candidate who isn't afraid to tell you he's racist.

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Trump spews a lot of hate.


You throw the hate the other way.  Clearly, you have issues with those that have money and the ruling elite.  You seem to blame them for a lot of the problems.  The answer to all of our problems lies within.

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