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Dark Star Jubilee 2022


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Some thoughts on this years fest. 

1. Vip was a muddy disaster zone. 3 straight weekends of fests left it with little grass if any. We camped in 6” tire tracks. In our 30’ space we had to drive through our tent area and pull to the line then camp where wed driven over. They have to figure out a better system.  If that was always car camping inside they could make a driveway down but most fests there don’t have inside camping so they can’t make a permanent vip. Personally I want to buy an RV spot and camp on the gravel since VIP was unliveable. GA on the other hand was nice and grassy b/c no cars drive in the bowl. You could tell who was vip and who was GA by looking at their shoes. Vip had mud to their knees and GA had maybe slightly dirty shoes if that. Luckily for legend valley they have no shows for 3 weeks and can work on the grounds. 

2.  It was awesome to be back at a real fest. We had an amazing time. The second we left our camp, everything was perfect. 

3.  That new PA is freaking insane. It’s the Meyer Sound Panther array. Top of the line large format PA. Smaller footprint than the previous meyer sound array but with the same kick. Super clean sound. Can’t beat the sound at jubilee. When Cotter has the perfect tools he can make magic and the sound was that. There was no ear fatigue at all even though the sound was massive. 

4. The staff and security are so super friendly. I forgot how friendly everyone is that works there. It’s generally the opposite of any big indoor venue where they look at concert goers as suspects to be watched. Not the case at all at jubilee. These guys and gals are doing 16 hour shifts. I was like wow that’s a shift. One lady said she actually works the fests as a side job b/c she loves it and not for the 48 hours of pay. One had a lightning bolt hat and was grooving near vip. Loves jubilee b/c there’s no hassles and the crowd is super nice plus he loves dead. Friendly staff really does make a difference. You really don’t see many smiles from security at the caverns. The big sheriff at the caverns was threatening a guy playing guitar outside the gates to scram or he was going to jail. Hell even the sheriffs driving around at jubilee weren’t looking to get anyone. There’s such a vibe difference at jubilee. At the caverns there are 3 security inside packing weapons on their hips. Wtf. 

I could prob go on and on. The disgusting camp probably only lowered the happiness factor to a 98/100. 

It’s time to make jubilee a 6 day festival like lost lands at legend valley where people can come in on Tuesday. Or just add a pre-party day with just dso playing at night. I have to think you could get at least 1k to add an early entry show for an additional $75 or so. Let’s make this trip longer!!!

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When Bob and I camped, we got an RV GA pass and tent camped. Plenty of space and they didn’t look to muddy, certainly no 6” tire tracks. 

I’ve been to all but 2 jubilees, and a few Grateful Fests at the Ledges. Jubilee makes me feel a new sense of faith in humanity. I ponder this question, How can so many of us with a variety of life experiences from the 4 corners of the country and everywhere in between be so loving, considerate and joyous in the mud, and heat? I have never been around a more pleasant crowd of people in my life. EVERYONE I had the pleasure to talk to were wonderful human beings. You said it…98/100 even with the muddy campsite experience.


Thanks for the review, it was all you eloquently described.

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Absolutely perfect. Did GA as always just because I wanna hear every band. Plus the haul in and out sucks, but it ain’t so bad with a wagon. 3 trips up and down the hill and we didn’t have to move for 3 days. Heard all bands, only went to stage for DSO and a handful of others but what a weekend.   Finally got a couple of buddies to come along plus Sammy and I think they may be for sure future attendees. So laid back. We camped next to VIP entrance in GA and used VIP facilities 30yds away all weekend w/no hassle. Stayed away from the mud (mostly) and had one hell of a music filled weekend. Cooked big Ol breakfasts, then ate disco at night, slept like a baby all 3 nights. Swear I get my best sleep in some field in a tent. Lol


But of course the universe had to even things out and dump some shit on us Monday as we had a blowout on the way home. Luckily we had just crossed into KY. I believe that was the difference between being searched if we’d have been in Ohio, but in KY the cop was just glad we didn’t want his help and left us alone. 🤣😆 Rim was seized to the drum and it took over 2 hours to get the flat off to change the tire. Overall still a great weekend. Got tire fixed and oil changed and me and luke are camping Deercreek for phish next weekend. Caverns/Jubilee/Phish 3 weekends in a row and then I’m gonna need a break. 

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I love my people and the only thing I didn't love is my people who couldn't make it...We have a strong crew/group that continues through the magic of DSO land..


Thanks To Steve Trickle for hosting us and the band/crew we all know so well!


Loser, Crazy Fingers, World to Give, Mission, China Doll, High Time, Midnight Moonlight with Allie,  SCOTTY x 5 to include Scarlet > Fire... and SO much more!!!!! Holy Moly!


Love you all...see you next time!

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Life’s easy driving towards rainbows. 


Sitting on my front porch , I’m thinking over the amazingly beautiful weekend with the crescent moon 🌙 hanging low in the west. 


From graduation to Jubilee, skirting on the edge of a northern weather front,  this  weekend  trip up on Friday triggered  the record for rainbows in more ways than one . Longest duration - 20 min worth 😲🌈🌦headed north on I -81. Double rainbow in Bluefield.  AND! a Rainbow Tower.!?  This shaft of rainbow 🌈 stretching skyward popping out of atop the mountain ⛰ into clear skies. Magical!!  After a 50 min rainstorm in W VA mountains at dark and OH roads, we made it ! Glad to have waited considering the muddy muck traps inside,  I guess, even tho I would’ve love to have gotten a signed poster and  would’ve loved even more to have seen Scottie play. We slept near the front gate. Tho it looked  dicey a bit early, Saturday was the beginning of just perfection. 


By early afternoon, Gertie my westie was perched atop the hill, but not before getting a little dirty. All Good Staff took us to a shady spot between two trees that delivered cool breezes.   My only concern was the spot of 3 inch mud previously  squished up like white bread through baby’s fingers. However ! This white bread box of a van didn’t want to get stuck . Gertie didn’t mind the dirt on her mudflats. Pretty much a badge of honor for a 2x2.   As I swung her freight left through the mud hole , I made my destination; she slid  a bit , lost traction and rested in good position. Next step, I needed the stern of Hurdy Gertie to tuck between the trees. Back wheels grappling for purchase to no avail, Tito, Alan, and a friendly neighbor rocked her bow to stern a couple of time, heave ho and away she went. On back, on back…. , and she was safely home.  Joy! 


My boyfriend didn’t know what to expect and was blown away by the  well put together festival, out of this world staff, and the sound. To say the closing fireworks 💥 were more than just visual is an understatement. And he was in disbelief it was the same location for Buckeye 1988 show. 


Nikki, Jason and Tito laid out the red carpet and it was  just beginning of kind beautiful people.  Strangers to reuniting with friends brought a sense of peace and goodness prevailing in the world despite the craziness out there!  I get by with a little  help from my friends.  It has been a roller coaster year , without much respite. 


I saw the Quasi Kings in the burg months ago and enjoyed listening on the walk down. The Amazing Giants were poised on the wings hallmarking the festival spirit. Ready for some great  JGB.  Tore Up, That’s What Love Will Make you Do, Dynamite!, Get Outta My Life Woman are  what I recall. 


DSO! It is always too long to see them. Lol.  The system sounded great and I tended to drift more center for good sound. 


Wang Dang Doodle screams  80s to me, add Day Job and the Yamaha baby grand played between 82-84 , there ya go. Overall solid and fun! Add the mirror suit guy and a bird on stilts and Barraco on Lovelight it doesn’t get any better. 


Sunday came fast. It’s been a hell of a year. I’ve been busier than a one armed wallpaper hanger. What I consistently find tho, love that raises your vibration is everything! It doesn’t matter physically how I feel if I’m peaceful and content; the wellspring will carry me on. 


After spring reunion Suwannee, I decided I’d go see Peter Rowan any chance I get. He still has that Hollywood polish. Railroad Earth  played his tunes so well and seemed so honored to back him up. At one point he traded licks back and forth with the guitarist  and hit those high notes like he can. Something about singing out vowels is such a heart opener.  He loves crowd participation!  “Wild Horses”, “Land of the Navaho” , “Fetch Wood, Carry Water”, “ Midnight Moonlight”, “the Hobo Song” to name a few.  What is most captivating is the joy he shows when performing. You watch his soul dance much like a keyboardist we all know. 


I’ve been told “I want to give you all the things you want and none of the things you don’t want”. My heart was filled to the brim Sunday night. All the songs like Casey Kasem airwaves. The hits kept rolling. A birdie told me VIP deck had cleared out and it was heavenly dance space. 


There is magic at DSO shows. I never tire of seeing them perform.  There is no one who delivers like they do. Thank you.

And I have to say, I have been blessed again and again through the years by a kindness and joy that heals my soul.  


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