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To Gun nuts and/or Gun Owners


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I just myself a Springfield XD .45 ACP for my birthday and WOW... first time in a while I've been in a gun store and the pickin's are slim!! Because of all this bullshit gun laws that are being threatened to pass, gun shops are being cleaned out by paranoid gun owners...Granted I can't pick up my gun for 7 days, but get this... the Maryland State Police are so backed up with backround checks for gun applications, it's gonna take ma a minimum of 45 days to get my gun now...ouch!! I understand the wait to make sure you aren't selling to a crazy asshole, but fuck man... I want my piece in 7 days... not 45!!


Ammo is almost impossible to find these days... The best place to find cheap ammo is www,cheaperthendirt.com and almost ALL calibers of ammo is out of stock... NEVER seen that... EVER!!! .22's, .25's, .32's, 9mm, are all SOLD OUT! ALL brands!! That's just crazy!! The local Walmarts and Dick's sporting goods stores are all sold out of common ammuntion!!


You used to be able to buy bricks (brick = 100 rounds per box) of .22 anywhere, now I can't find them anywhere... ANYWHERE... scary stuffi if you ask me..


Oh well... I'm just venting my frustration...



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You're right Herdy SCARY!


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I'm not sure Herdy wanted to open this can of worms.  This issue, for me, probably embodies this statement attributed to Winston Churchill best.  "If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain."  As a high school student and even as young student at Georgetown, I was 100% in favor of gun control.  I wanted to disarm the American public and in all seriousness, the world.  I had decided that guns were partially responsible for the dangerous, bloody world we live in.  


I chose to interpret the 2nd Amendment based around the statement "in order to maintain a well regulated militia."  I argued that because we no longer maintain state militias that the 2nd Amendment is essentially null and void.  I can not recall the Supreme Court case mentioned by Caroline Kennedy in her work In Our Defense, but there is a Supreme Court ruling that echoes the sentiment stated here.  The ruling allowed for individual towns or cities to outlaw gun possession.  I lived in one such city, Washington D.C.  The outlawing of gun possession may sound wonderful, but if we look into the statistics, DC will not help the cause and gun violence prevails whether you outlaw guns or not.  


Now, I am fervently in favor of gun ownership, the right to bear arms, and everything and anything 2nd Amendment.  Hell, I interpret the Constitution in a very strict manner.  The US government has 19 enumerated powers and no more.  The 9th and 10th Amendments leave the rest of the regulating and legislating to the people and the state respectively.  I guess I should say now that I do not think the US gov't or the way we live operates in a Constitutional manner.  Our courts have failed to protect us and honor the Bill of Rights or Constitution. My youthful contest really has no bearing as we should be maintaining state militias.  The fact of the matter is the US military and the police represent giant standing armies, larger than those of any other nation.  These armies are the greatest threat to your liberty.  We should all be trained and associated with a state or even more localized militia.  Furthermore, attempts to disarm the public throughout history have led to great atrocities and further subjugation of the people, just look at Nazi Germany.  The 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms is an essential right in protecting yourself from both individual threats, but also the threat represented by your own government.  Remember these people very much believed in the right to revolution.  They had just fought one to rid themselves of a less oppressive regime than the one we find ourselves in now.  A big difference must be noted that we have representation and they did not.  


Don't get me wrong, I have not abandoned all my liberal ideas and thinking relating to guns.  I find the sale of firearms, especially, military styled firearms for profit to be sickening.  The fact that many here in America and especially around the world struggle to feed themselves while some fat cats get rich distributing and making firearms plain sucks.  These guys get rich and have incentive for perpetual war.  They make deals that are in the grey areas of our laws and the laws of other nations.  Bribes and other scandalous behavior are common and widespread in this business and the US weapons manufactures are the greatest benefactors of war and insurrection throughout the world.  If we sell weapons for profit, we will never have great enough incentive for peace.  


On a side note, let's give Herdy his weapon and all watch Doomsday Preppers.  Those guys are acquiring enough arms for a small army.  When shit hits the fan, for any of the myriad reasons offered in the show, these guys are prepared with guns and food.  Some will welcome you in and some will shoot you out.  One thing they all seem to agree on is things are only going to get uglier.

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it is no different than it was 20 years ago, 40 years ago, or 130 years ago in the old west ....


all the data posted above is just because you have access to the information on the internet...


guns kill today, yesterday, and 100 years ago .....


I have never held a gun in my hands, never shot a gun, owned a gun, etc etc ...


but if you want to have one I could care less because nothing I do or say will change that ....

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Doomsday Preppers? Ya know, there is a lot of research done and being done that suggests that our thoughts, intentions, have great power. If everyone thinks this way, this is what we will get.


Do I think guns should be outlawed?? No. I think any such laws are generally wrong. Do I think I need a handgun? Fuck no. Give me a reason other than fear and I'll consider it. Let's not act out of fear.

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HEHE Herdy.  I have a Springfield XDM .40.  I love it :).  Ammo is scarce though, b/c the gun lobby has scared people so badly that Obama may not be able to ban guns but he wants to ban bullets.  Also wars dont help considering the ammo companies are sending almost all rounds overseas.


My gun stays in my home.  I wont be a victim of a home invasion by some crackhead.  I know most deadheads are anti gun but they are a fact of life in this country and I will protect myself in my castle. 


Also lets not forget the potential for a zombie apocalypse.  Thats what is really scary!!!

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since the can of worms has been opened i just want to say ....................


and ..............................


but mostly ......................


man it feels good to have gotten that off my chest!

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The Second Amendment, in my opinion was penned mostly due to The British seizing privately owned firearms from colonists. The writers of the Bill of Rights thought it so important that it is the Second Amendment after Religion, Speech, Press, and Petition the Gov't. To me, the most important amendments are the 9th and 10th, putting most of the power in the hands of the states and the people of those states. This is the essence of our great country, if you don't like the laws of a state, don't live there. If you like more exclusive gun laws move to a state that has more restrictions. I still say if there were more legally armed sane people around, a lot less of us would die due to a nut job blowing a gasket, nut jobs would die long before they get a chance to kill 20 or 30 people.




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Interesting issue, as many issues are.


I still don't think I understand the issue as much as I really should, but this is what I have gathered so far:


I tend to not base my opinion too heavily on the wording of the 2nd amendment. Yes I believe there is a pretty clear, rational intention for why they created the 2nd amendment. It is only a sentence long. Now, I do think there was reason why they left the bill of rights vague, but that is a whole different story. Anyways, the modern day contains a wide spectrum of interpretations of what the forefathers' intentions were when writing the 2nd amendment. The interpretation seems to be heavily contingent upon one's preconceived beliefs. Cultural relativism is perplexing, and brings into a lot of philosophical work I'm not familiar with.


Geographically looking at how guns play a role in the world is very interesting. Latin America has had a tremendous homicide problem develop in the late 20th century. There are many precipitating factors that have lead to this increase in murders in Latin America, and yes a good percentage of these murders are carried out by the use of a firearm. From what I understand most of this is not because of gun laws, for most of the guns that come into Latin America do so through the illegal gun trade. Latin America arguably has less infrastructure than us (we have the ATF) and corruption (well yeah everyone has that, but Latin America is significantly worse). The factors that have lead to an increase in homicide in Latin America differ greatly from the motive of most murderers in the United States. The United States is in a strange position. Yes we have more guns per capita than any other country and some of the highest gun homicide rates; there is some correlation between these two variables. I find it interesting, that from what I understand studies have shown that the main catalyst for murder in the United States is, as best I can put it, psychological distress. The most common firearm related death in the United States is when someone takes their own life, not when one takes another's. Thankfully things have gotten better historically.


I can confidently say I will probably never own a gun. Have shot them before, and I can see why people enjoy them.


To understand the gun issue it can become complex. The laws on guns are very specific and as you all know, they very greatly from state to state. There are certain issues I think, like the "Gun Show  Loophole", should be addressed in the states that have not already. I don't really have much of an opinion beyond that. I don't know if that is an okay thing?


Be kind to your neighbors, buy strangers flowers. I know all you guys know it, but yes be a good person! Although I guess I'm okay with telling someone to fuck off. As long as it is all in good reason. Looking back at everything I just typed I feel there is not much progress in my thoughts but will post it anyways. I will maybe do some more reading. It's just so very hard to figure out these moral dilemmas. I'll keep thinking about it.


When you get it, have fun with it Herdy. I know we've only met briefly, but I'm confident you'll keep the streets of Maryland safe.

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As long as there is hate and fear in people's hearts, they will kill other people. The only kind of gun I would ever own would be a rifle, and I would only use it under the most dire of circumstances. I'll take my chances with no gun, and a positive outlook instead. Call me crazy, it's a crazy world.

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Gun's dont kill people, people kill people... Guns are just a tool used to kill... If someone wants to kill someone, they will find a way.. sure guns make it easier to do so, but you can't blame the tool when it's the person behind it... I'm a pretty liberal person, but I am a gun lover.. I like to shoot, and if need be, I want to be able to defend myself, my home, and my loved ones..


The whole gun control tihng is like the war on drugs... totally pointless... Controlling or banning firearms won't do anything, except leave the law abiding citizens that are responsble with firearms with nothing... Criminals will get the guns, weither they are legal or not.. You think a bank robber, or murderer, or any criminal goes to the gun store to buy the weapon that is used in the crime? no way in hell, they buy them off the black market.. You can not control the criminals getting the guns! Period!


Y'all can lambast me all you want, but I believe in the 2nd ammentment, the way it was written.. so what if it's 200 years old and was written for issues for that time.. It is still apart of our constitution, and the more we change it to take away certain freedoms, the easier it is to change other ammenments like freedom of speech, or freedom of religion, ect.. This country is going to hell in a bucket, and I'm not enjoying the ride..


The way this world is spinning out of control, I will be happy knowing that I am safer with my guns at my side... I'm certainly not a doomsday prepper of any sort, but if the shit does hit the fan, I want to be somewhat ready...

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it's a given that stricter gun laws won't stop guns from getting into the wrong hands, but no one can possibly argue that fewer guns--registered guns in homes, unregistered guns on the streets, wherever--won't mean less harm caused by guns. also not up for debate: in places with more firearms, there are more homicides. facts, not big government advertising.


i understand that we're never going to be able to get rid of legal guns in this country, so i'll take the assault weapon ban and mandated extensive background checks. but i think rick's younger version is right on when it comes to legality: the second amendment has  nothing to do with this conversation--the one we're having in 2013. and hey, if we existed in a country where we still needed to be concerned with maintaining private militia, maybe i'd even want a musket for myself.

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hand guns are made for killin


aint no good for nothin else

well it was nice to read everybodys thoughts. wanted to reply specifically to a few but never could figure out how to without having those LONG posts reappear. tried to "reply to this topic" just now (like I think i did the first time?) but it would'nt let me? anyhow;


i'm a true conservative. right of the NRA.  i was against Nancy's war on drugs not because i was acid taking dead touring,  but because i'm a conservative-take all the heroin u want fat man, alot of people died so you could. but, for the life of me i can't figure out why you gun lovers can't help us out for a while and just put the guns away - at least till we figure this shit out. just think about it for us for a while - and maybe think about that classroom full of kids all shot up while your doing it. i get furious thinking about it. can't get my head around or even tolerate the other side. your like a joke (bad one obviously) to me. its not about you or your stinckin rights, it's about those kids in that classroom. don't be so selfish.

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Hey Ducats... I didn't shoot those kids up... why should I be punished for someone elses actions?? Maybe the next time some kills a bus load full of kids because they were drunk we should go back to prohibition..


Mike, you are dead on my friend....

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I agree with Herdy 100% that guns are simply a tool for people to use. The problem will not be solved by making more laws restricting guns. It will be solved, though not completely, by stricter punishments and actual ENFORCEMENT of the laws. The strict enforcement is what is lacking right now.

However........ I simply cannot get over the fact that 85% of all CHILDREN who die from a gun, die in the United States of America. To me, that is a big, big problem and I don't know how you stop that......

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I agree with Herdy 100% that guns are simply a tool for people to use. The problem will not be solved by making more laws restricting guns. It will be solved, though not completely, by stricter punishments and actual ENFORCEMENT of the laws. The strict enforcement is what is lacking right now.

However........ I simply cannot get over the fact that 85% of all CHILDREN who die from a gun, die in the United States of America. To me, that is a big, big problem and I don't know how you stop that......

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